Monday, March 14, 2011

In Jesus' Name

We must first realize that the concept of name in scripture involves much more than a tag that identifies that person and distinguishes him or her from other people.  And, although it does do that, it also has a much deeper meaning.  Name in scripture represents the very essence of the person.  A person’s personality, character, reputation and authority are all wrapped up in their name (Reagan,  That is why God’s name is so often exalted in scripture.  His name is a declaration of the greatness of His person (Reagan) (Ps 8:1; 103:1; 113:1-3; 148:13).  And since God’s name is excellent, we are to exalt it in our prayer, our praise, and in the act of offering ourselves as living sacrifices everyday (Reagan) (Ro 12:1).
We know that Jesus was God’s living word made flesh, so to do anything in Jesus’ name is to do so according to God’s word, which is the Holy Bible (Jn 1:1-2, 14).  The Holy Bible is the personality, character, reputation, essence, and authority of our Lord God.  When David fought and defeated Goliath he proceeded under the direction, power and authority of the ‘name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel’ who Goliath had defied.  David didn’t take Goliath’s head.  It was handed over by God (1 Sam 17:45-46)!  Although God’s word hadn’t yet been made flesh, David still had direction, power and authority based on the word of the Lord.   
But now, we can only come to God by Jesus (Jn 14:6).  We are accepted and become God’s children and heirs according to the name of Jesus (Eph 1:5-6; Ro 8:17).  Anything asked in line with Jesus’ name will be granted (Jn 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23, 26).  Again, this isn’t simply a prayer that mentions Jesus’ name but prayer in accordance with all that Jesus is –his personality and character.  It is a prayer aimed at carrying forward the work he did, a prayer that he would answer (Jn 14:13 NIV note).  (WARNING:  This is not a magical way to get your way with God!  Pray with sincerity of heart [Heb 10:22]!  Misuse or failure to honor the name of God is blasphemy!)              

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