And the second greatest commandment is like the first, “Love your neighbor as yourself”, Jesus says (Mt 22:39; Mk 12:31) (And this love for self is also shown in the context of a marriage union in Eph 5:28-30, where the love for a spouse is equal -on some level- as love for self, since the two have become one.). Jesus tells us, “love one another as I have loved you…” (Jn 13:34). (He said this was a new commandment, but it was actually an old one [Lev 19:18]. It was new in the sense that it was a mark of the disciple’s bond created by Christ’s love for them [NIV note on Jn 13:34].) We love because God first loved us (1 Jn 4:19). Love ultimately comes from God himself. If anyone says, ‘I love God’, but hates his brother is a liar; because anyone who doesn’t love his brother, who he has seen, cannot love God, who he hasn’t seen. So God has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother (1 Jn 4:20-21). Here, the term ‘brother’ is intended to mean mankind, not simply our siblings in Christ. But those who are followers of Christ should especially care for our brothers and sisters in Christ (Jn 21:15-17; Gal 6:10).
The parable of ‘the Good Samaritan’ illustrates this love well, and shows us who we are to regard as our neighbor. In the presence of so-called lovers of God, Jesus commends a Samaritan –a people who Jews were openly hostile against and considered both spiritual and physical half-breeds- over a religious leader (priest) and another lay person (Levite) to show that love has no national, religious, racial, etc. boundaries (Mt 10:5; Jn 4:20,22; Lk 9:52; NIV note on Lk 10:31-33). It was this despised Samaritan who cared for a foreigner -who would’ve probably cursed him, if he had the strength (v. 33-35). It was him who Jesus told his fellow Jews to imitate (v. 36-37). So, my definition of a neighbor, given the context, is anyone who isn’t you!
And again, this is a commandment from God. To show love towards men, who were made in His spiritual image, is one way of showing love for him (which remember, is second only to directly showing love to God). This is true, just as failing to love our brothers is to show contempt for Him. If you follow the first and greatest commandment, the second -which is like it- will fall into place. Love for God and love for man are inseparable.
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