Thursday, May 23, 2013

Scoffers and Mockers, and such

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. (2Pe 3:3) The opposite of those who love and revere the Lord and his ways are those who lack respect, ridicule, mock, show an offensive attitude towards God, and regard as inferior his way, his Word, his people, and so on. They are called scoffers, mockers, the haughty, arrogant, contemptuous, and disdainful. They defy, challenge, and make fun of God and his church. They willfully and persistently reject and dismiss Him and look at his way as unworthy through derisive acts and language. And the Bible warns us that society will become more and more permissive towards blatant disrespect towards God. We see this, people becoming emboldened by a tolerance towards showing contempt to the Lord. The average person today will more readily defend worldly ways than God’s because of their acceptance of Satan’s lie that says that God’s ways are foolish and outdated. It’s pride that keeps many from standing for the Lord, because who wants to be looked at as ignorant? But the Lord is clear when he tells us that his Word is the only thing that’s lasting (Mt 24:35). God’s word is perpetually current and always up-to-date! I’ve recently experienced two -on separate occasions on one morning (one direct and hostile, the other crafty and sneering) - unbeliever’s claim that I’m arrogant or prideful for echoing John 14:6’s declaration that Jesus is the only way to God. And I’m sure that many Christians can relate to this. Psalm 119:21 however, defines the arrogant as those who do not conform, or who stray from, God’s Word or commands (Ps 10:4; Pr 10:8; 14:9). The NIV study Bible note on that verse further defines the arrogant as those who are a law unto themselves. They basically convince themselves of what’s right. These two who’d claimed to believe in God, but also scoffed at my assertion that going through Jesus is not merely one way, but the only way to have a relationship with the Father, they also admitted –one outright, and the other unknowingly- that not only do they not truly believe in God by their rejection of this fact, but that they basically practice the hedonistic religion of worshipping self. Their only standard is themselves and what they desire. This is foolish and dangerous (Isa 5:21; 2Co 10:12)! God is the divine Creator, and everything else is merely a creation, and that includes mankind (Jn 1:1). For a person to wrongly credit man or manmade religions for a sense of morality (i.e. don’t steal, cheat on your spouse, or murder [Ex 20:13-15]) based in God’s word is to show irreverence towards God. There is no morality outside of God’s Way. Give credit where it is due. God is deserving of ALL glory! So that there’s no misunderstanding, I didn’t argue with either of these people, as much as they may’ve wanted to. But for me, it was nothing more than a conversation and a personal testimony (Tit 3:9-11; 1Co 14:33; 1Pe 3:15, 16). I do hope that I didn’t play any part anything that would end up being pointless or fruitless (2Ti 2:14-16). My intention was to plant a seed of God’s word, not to harm. I can honestly say that it was done in the Spirit of love. As I think back on that morning though and I hold the situation up to biblical teachings, I can see that it was my responsibility to cut it short, as it became evident that they were combative and fault-finding (Pr 9:7-9; 2Ti 1:7; Eph 6:12). We live and we learn. But now I know. When ridiculed for your belief, just understand that this is a fact of life for a child of God (1Sa 8:7; Jn 15:18, 19). And we should be encouraged because we’re blessed when we suffer these things for living for Christ (Mt 5:11). We should live joyfully, with our own redemption in mind, desiring the same for the unbeliever (Mt 5:44; Eph 4:15; 1Pe 3:9, 13-16; 2Pe 3:9). Know that the underlying cause of a contemptuous attitude towards God, his word, his people, and his way is deceit. Mockers have chosen to believe the Deceiver’s lie over God’s truth when presented with it (Ps 1:1; Pr 9:12; 14:6; Isa 5:20, 21). No one is hopeless. However, scripture shows that a life characterized by constant denial of the truth and an insistence on living outside of the knowledge of God -which is found in His Word- results in the Lord justifiably allowing that person what they wish, and turning them over to their determined mindset (Ps 81:11,12; Pr 19:29; Ro 1:24-31;2Th 2:10,11). And when the Lord acts, no one can reverse it, but the Lord (Isa 43:13). God’s word is absolute truth, so consequently deviations form it are untruths. What the believer has allowed the Lord to define for them, the world chooses their warped perception of those truths. And for the more mature child of God, often times, these lies are so very clearly in direct opposition to God’s word (Ro 12:2; 12Ti2:15). Although people often fool others, and even go so far as fooling themselves, they cannot fool the All-Knowing (Heb 4:13). God responds to truth and sincerity (Jer 29:13; Jn 4:24; Jas 1:6, 7;4:2, 3). A faithless prayer -in a manner of speaking- will not ascend to the ears of the Lord. We must, at least, know in our hearts that He exists and that He will respond to our faith when we come to Him (Ro 1:20; Heb 11:1, 6). Do not be deceived people, by others, and surely not yourself. Ultimately, God cannot, in any way, be mocked. Individuals will surely reap what they sow (Gal 6:7).

1 comment:

  1. I apologize if this post appears as a big block of words. I've tried to edit with spacing and re-post several times with no success. (But that's a free blogging website for you.)
