I’m not perfect. I’ve never claimed to be. And contrary top popular belief, I’ve never acted like I am. Now, that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I will say that no matter how often I miss the mark, I will never lower my standards. I set the bar high for myself (and often the people I care about) because I know that God is worthy of such.
I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this, but it’s not unusual for people to tell me I’m self-righteous (because of my refusal to accept less than what God is worthy of, and refusal to accept less than what I know I’m capable of). And if I didn’t know better, I’d believe them. After lengthy examination of self, the situations, and people who spew such accusations, as well as measuring it all against the Word, I’ve often come to the conclusion that the accusation is not justified, but it’s just a deflection off of the accuser’s insecurities (Rev 12:10). Those accusations are most likely based on the belief in the lies that striving for perfection is pointless and impossible. But underachieving doesn’t -or shouldn’t- play a part in a believer’s life.
Paul likens the Christian journey to an athlete who goes into strict training to race and win (1 Co 9:24-25). He goes on explaining that the athlete works hard to obtain an earthly crown that doesn’t last, but he (and we) shouldn’t run aimlessly or shadowbox, but we should discipline ourselves, for God’s sake, so that we may share in his glory (25-27).
We are not to fear a life lived in futility, if we have faith that we are pleasing our God who is more than worthy of our best, and that we’ll be richly rewarded for giving him such. If we shrink back God will not be pleased with us (Heb 10:38).
We’re to be holy in all we do; for it is written: Be holy, because God is holy. (1 Pe 1:16).
In the call to preserve, we’re encouraged to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful (Heb 10:23).
Sure, I often fall short, but I don’t wallow (Ro 3:23). God deserves better than that. I wasn’t saved to make excuses for my laziness in disciplining myself spiritually. I see myself in Psalms 63:8 being upheld by God’s right hand. And I can also testify to Proverbs 24:16. Thank you Lord for allowing me rise, so that I may serve you! Another day God allows us to see if another opportunity to get it right.
Missing you at Pulse!!! HUGS! (but we're not meeting this week)