Saturday, October 22, 2011

...Because of Me

Okay, I really need someone to feel me on this one.  And I know it to be true, because I’ve experienced it quite a few times and often recently, but people will often hate the Jesus in you (even if you have not expressly stated that you are Christian) (Mt 10:22). 

In America, the insults, persecution, and lies that Christians often face are relatively harmless, and are only dangerous on a social level, so for those of us who have survived adolescence, dealing with it should be a piece of cake (1 Pe 3:17).  But knowing scripture lets us know how to respond when we are tested in this: 

  • First of all, we shouldn’t be surprised by it.  Jesus said very plainly that men will hate us because of him (Mt 10:22).  We are just visiting after all (1 Pe 4:12).   We’re a peculiar people (1 Pe 2:9 KJV). People of the world don’t understand why we bless when we’re cursed, why we are hopeful, why we don’t lie to make life ‘easier’ for ourselves, etc.  
  • Secondly, we’re never fear the world (Mt 10:28).
  • Thirdly, not that we should deny everyone else, but Christians are to encourage one another (Mt 28:19-20; 1 Pe 3:8; Heb 10:25; 1 Th 3:2’ 4:18; 5:11)      
  • And fourth, and best of all, we’re blessed (Mt 5:11-12)!

So, just pray for the haters y’all (Mt 5:44).

Sunday, October 2, 2011


The state of life I’m in now is a situation I’ve likened to the children of Israel being provided bread from heaven in Exodus 16:4.  My needs aren’t being provided in a way I’d like them to be –which admittedly is out of pride.  But I’m also thankful that God is blessing me with my daily bread (Php 4:19).  I understand the importance of worshipping God joyfully, regardless of how I’m being blessed.  So, the test for me (and many of us, I’m sure) is will I continue to trust God at his word and bless his name, no matter how things look (v.4)?  (I’m reminded of my own words in a previous blog post after typing that statement.)  God despises the proud, so in his love for us, he puts us in humbling situations –not to ever harm us, but in order to keep us under his loving protection and so that we may recognize and glorify him, and I’m thankful for it (Pr 3:12; 16:5). 

Also, like Israel, I’ve stepped out on faith trusting in God according to his word, and I’ve looked at my past situation compared to the one I’m currently in, and I’ve sometimes thought that things were better.  But of course, like Israel, I also groaned when I was in ‘Egypt’ (Ex 16:3). 

Not to justify it, but I can honestly say that my grumbling is not in doubt of God and his plan for me, nor is it motivated by ungratefulness, but it’s out of sheer impatience (Jer 29:11).  I’m constantly needing lessons in patience, which is just God perfecting me, and shaping me to look more like him, because love is patient and God is love (1 Co 13:4; 1 Jn 4:8). 

So, I ask that you all pray that we all learn to be content (-although never settling.  I’m convinced that the Lord has not called us to accept mediocrity.), and stand on God’s promise that he will provide for us as over comers through Jesus Christ (Php 4:11, 19; Rev 2:17).  And also pray that we be more patient as God works it all out.