So, Satan tempted me through someone else today by suggesting I ‘be desperate’ about what is a very serious situation, no doubt, but the hardest learned lessons tend to be well earned lessons. And I’ve learned not to give in to desperation, and surely not to act in desperation. In this particular trial I’m speaking of, it was hard to recognize it for what it was (I was being deceived after all), while I was in such a desperate state, but after I cried out for help, and God delivered me from the situation, I was able to see how I got there, so that I could manage future situations that would force me to act rashly and dangerously.
Desperate- adj. 1a: having lost hope b: giving no ground for hope 2a: moved by despair b: involving or employing extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or frustration 3: suffering extreme need or anxiety 4: involving extreme danger or possible disaster; despondent (
In my experience, definition 1a lead me to definition 1b. The root of desperation is hopelessness, which has no place in the life of a believer anyway, because we know that we have hope in God (Ps 25:3; 33:18-19; 62:5; 130:5; 146:5; 147:11; Isa 40:31; Jer 29:11; Ro 5:1-5; 8:24-25; 1Th 5:8; 1Ti 4:10; 6:17; Heb 10:23; 11:1).
Jesus instructs us to be on guard of anxiety as an enemy (Lk 21:34; Pr 12:25). It’s a trap! We’re commanded not to be anxious and to cast our anxiety on God -in prayer- because he cares for us (Php 4:6; 1Pe 5:7). Prayer is how we combat anxiety. I can testify to the importance of being on the watch and praying because the single most factor that shaped my negative thinking and allowed me to so easily give in during my test was: a lack of vigilance (Lk 21:36).
(See post titled ‘Be Anxious for Nothing’) Make no mistake about it believers. Unbelievers (and some Pharisaic ‘believers’) are watching how you react to situations that may seem desperate to them. And thankfully God is watching even closer (Heb 4:13). Stand strong under tests, trusting in the Lord and his holy word, so that you may have a testimony of victory, and so that God may get the glory. Keep your hope in Him.