Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thank You Sweden!

I am very grateful for all of the hits from various countries from around the world that WOTN has gotten.  I am blessed to be used as a vessel, and I’m encouraged by so many who clearly honor God and value his word.  But I must extend a very special thanks to Sweden, where hits to Watches of the Night have long ago surpassed the number of hits from any other country, to include the U.S.!  Please continue reading and telling your friends about the blog. 
I’d also like to encourage all of my readers to subscribe -and more than that- contribute to the WOTN community by commenting on posts.  It’s the sharing of our individual perspectives on God’s word that gives us the clearest understanding of it, so never think that what you may have to say is not valuable. 
Thanks!  Love you with the love of God!     

More Than Words

Regarding the questions I posed from last week, starting with the first:
According to the NIV note on Romans 10:9, salvation involves inward belief (‘within your heart’) as well as outward confession (‘with your mouth’).  The Merriam-Webster definition of the word confess includes more than simply speaking, but it means to make known, acknowledge, or give evidence of. 
This is not to say that words are meaningless.  The tongue has the power of life and death (Pr 18:21).  The world was created by spoken word (Gen 1).  But the kingdom of God is not a matter of mere talk, but of power (1 Co 4:20).  For the believer, what begins with words is manifested in tangible, very real results (Jas 2:17-18, 26). 
But Jesus and Isaiah even acknowledged the hypocrisy of non-believers who honor the Lord with their lips, but their hearts are far from him (Isa 29:13; Mt 15:7-8).  This testifies to the fact that confession involves more than simply talking the talk and conforming to religious expectations of what a Christian looks and sounds like (Jesus also preaches against religious conformity for the sake of putting on airs too, in Mt 15:9.).  But it’s what’s in the heart that matters most.  The things we do -or don’t do- is evidence of what’s in our hearts (Mt 12:33).         

Concerning the second question, the phrase ‘born of water’ refers to baptism in the context of John 3:5.  However, in Luke 23:39-43, what we know of the criminal who Jesus said would be with him in paradise was based on his testimony.  His rebuking of the other criminal (‘Don’t you fear God?’), his since of justice (‘We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve.’), and his recognition of Jesus as holy (‘But this man has done nothing wrong.’) all identify him as a believer.  So, either he always belonged to God and got caught up in crime, or what we witnessed was his salvation right there on the cross.  Either way, Jesus accepted him. 
Notice what wasn’t said though:  There was no repentance from the man, or mention of his baptism (Jn 3:5; Ac 2:38).  The criminal did not allude to Jesus’ prophesized resurrection, nor did he recognize that Jesus is Christ, or God’s only son (Jn 3:16; 11:25; 1 Jn 5:1).  I assume that this means one of two things:  either Jesus accepted the man based on previous confessions (Remember, we only get a snapshot of his life at Calvary.), or Jesus accepted him based off of the confession of his heart.  Jesus had responded to the questions of the heart before, as well as questions that were asked out loud, but may’ve been out of his earshot (Lk 5:22, 30-31).  He perceives our thoughts from afar (Ps 139:2).  Nothing in all creation is hidden form God’s sight.  Everything is laid bare before the eyes of him whom we must give account (Heb 4:13). 
God is more than faithful, and will always do his part (Nu 23:19; 1 Co 1:9).  But as far as our part is concerned, I believe that every individual is responsible for what they know, or have had the opportunity to know before they are ultimately judged by God (2 Co 5:10).  Works are evident of faith, but our relationship with works (e.g. baptism and confession) cannot not be substituted for a genuine relationship with God.  It’s not works that save us, but it’s by grace that we’re saved through faith (Eph 2:8-9).         



Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Couple of Questions

Here are a couple of questions I’ll pose to you all.  I’d like your feedback, so please answer in the comments section below:

  1. First, according to Romans 10:9, if a person confesses with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in their heart that God raised him form the dead, they’ll be saved. 
           So, can a person who has been born mute be saved?

  1. And second, Jesus said in John 3:5, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” 
           Are there exceptions to this rule?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Take It Personally

I find myself relating with a lot of the people in the Bible, in one way or another. For those who value God’s word, and try to follow it, they often find their experiences mirroring those of the people in the Bible.
I, Michael, can definitely be overzealous -like Peter or Paul- speaking or acting on misdirected good intentions, and God has to set me straight (Mt 26:51-52; Mk 14:27-31; Ac 9:1-19; Php 3:5-6).
Often times I’m like Jacob wrestling to gain an understanding of God’s word and his desire for me in my life (and won’t let go until he blesses me!) (Ge 32:222-32).
A lot of the time, I find myself like I’m like Jesus, Abel, Stephen, the Apostles, and anyone else who’s persecuted for doing what’s right (Ge 4:1-8; Mt 26:1-5; 14-16; 47-68; 27:11-41; Ac 5:17-42; 6:8-15; 7:54-60).
But thank God I’m also like anyone who’s about their father’s business and follows Christ.  Yes I’m insulted and persecuted, but I’m also blessed (Mt 5:11-12; Lk 2:49)!
Although I’m not perfect, through Jesus Christ, God has declared me (and Paul) righteous (Ro 5:19).  I’m thankful that I can testify, like David, that the Lord has -so far- delighted in my way and has made my steps firm.  And though I often stumble, he’s upheld me with his hand, not allowing me to fall (Ps 37:23-24).  Thank you Lord!    
When I marvel at God’s love, grace and mercy, I ask –like David- ‘What is man that you are mindful of him?’ (Ps 8:4).  And so on, and so on…..

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm a Zaccheus!

Who in the Bible do you relate to (in experience, disposition, physical attributes, etc.)? 
(e.g.  I relate to Gideon in the book of Judges because I sometimes make the mistake of doubting who God says I am.  And I relate to Joseph in Genesis 37 because my parents had me in their old age, and loved me most too!)
Please share in the comments section below!